19 April 2014

Invierea inseamna dragoste

Un articol cu multe cuvinte intelepte: http://www.doxologia.ro/puncte-de-vedere/invierea-dragostei-sansa-unei-lumi-mai-bune

"De aş grăi în limbile oamenilor şi ale îngerilor, iar dragoste nu am, făcutu-m-am aramă sunătoare şi chimval răsunător. Şi de aş avea darul proorociei şi tainele toate le-aş cunoaşte şi orice ştiinţă, şi de aş avea atâta credinţă încât să mut şi munţii, iar dragoste nu am, nimic nu sunt. Şi de aş împărţi toată avuţia mea şi de aş da trupul meu ca să fie ars, iar dragoste nu am, nimic nu-mi foloseşte.”

Sa aveti un Paste cu dragoste si bunatate in suflet! Si sa nu asteptam Pastele viitor ca sa ne amintim de aceste cuvinte!

10 April 2014

Carpe diem!

Today I have found out that a former high-school colleague has just died. He was running, as usually, felt down and died. How stupid is that?

Life is short. Let's live each moment and let's not waste it doing things we do not like, pleasing others and not thinking about ourselves, staying around people that don't bring positive energy, doing things and saying words that we regret later!

Rest in peace Andrei!

04 April 2014

Heartbeats of a boy...

So yesterday I have listen "Teardrop" of Massive Attack and watched the video...the heartbeats of an unborn child.
Today I received a great news from a dearest friend :) she will have a child and it will be a boy!


03 April 2014

Massive Attack and heartbeats

Today I bought a concert ticket to Massive Attack....yuppyyyy...They will come in Luxembourg in July.

The concert will be in open air in the old citadel...for sure it will be a very special concert...once in a lifetime and unique, like one of their songs "Teardrop":

This is one of my favourite songs among all the songs I have ever heard. A friend told me that this song was initially composed to be sang by Madonna. I am really happy that they changed their mind and they had chosen someone else.

I have seen on youtube lots of comments towards the video of "Teardrop" saying it's creepy. I agree that it is weird, but who cares about the video....the sounds are like the heartbeats of a human being...either of an existent one or either of one that will soon be borned :)

What a nice feeling!

01 April 2014

Moments in life...

"There are an infinite number of moments in life. Some moments we create. Some we respond to."