My dear Readers,
It has been some time since I haven't posted on this blog.
How are you doing?
I hope you enjoy your time in this adventurous life....
I started lately to become interested about self-development, coaching and "law of attraction".
Some of you consider that a coincidence is just a coincidence, others might believe in the type of message "it had to happen".
I want to tell you a short funny story...whether it was a coincidence or not, it doesn't matter.
Some days ago, while I was waiting in the bus station, I noticed that a bus was passing on the street with a sticker with the shape of a 🐝. On the sticker it was written " bee happy" :))) I took immediately a photo.
My challenge is that for 30 days, I will take a photo and come to you with a useful message.
Day 1 message: bee 🐝 happy!
Welcome back and be happy. :)